Water SA is the WRC’s accredited scientific journal which contains original research articles and review articles on all aspects of water science, technology, engineering and policy. Water SA has been in publication since 1975 and includes articles from both local and international authors. The journal is issued quarterly (January, April, July, October).


Water SA is now published at www.watersa.net – please visit this site for all issues from Volume 44 (2018) onward.  To find articles from Volumes 1 (1975) to 43 (2017) use the WRC Knowledge Hub search function. Articles from 1975–1997 are available as scanned PDF files and from 1998 onward as searchable PDF files.


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Science Citation Index Impact Factor
2020 Impact Factor – 1.247; 2020 5-year Impact Factor –1.589

2019 Impact Factor – 1.094; 2019 5-year Impact Factor – 1.206

2018 Impact Factor – 0.896; 2018 5-year Impact Factor – 1.098

2017 Impact Factor – 0.783; 2017 5-year Impact Factor – 1.077
2016 Impact Factor – 0.958; 2016 5-year Impact Factor – 1.116
2015 Impact Factor – 0.851; 2015 5-year Impact Factor – 1.052
2014 Impact Factor – 0.640; 2014 5-year Impact Factor – 0.962
2013 Impact Factor – 0.809; 2013 5-year Impact Factor – 0.993



Contact the Editor: watersa@wrc.org.za


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Water SA Journals
   Volume 44 2018
     No 1 Jan 2018
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Found 2568 Results
Page 15 of 66

A choice experiment application to estimate willingness to pay for controlling excessive recreational fishing demand at the Sundays River Estuary, South Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2014/01/13

Author: Lee DE; Hosking SG; Du Preez M

Who wants to be an agent? A framework to analyse water politics and governance

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/12/19

Author: Meissner R

Water for firefighting in five South African towns

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/12/19

Author: Myburgh HM; Jacobs HE

The status quo of research on South Africa’s water resource management institutions

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Meissner R; Funke N; Nienaber S; Ntombela C

TECHNICAL NOTE: Measurement and expression of granular filter cleanliness

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Haarhoff J; Van Staden S

Response of low-strength phenol-acclimated activated sludge to shock loading of high phenol concentrations

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Lim J-W; Seng C-E; Lim P-E; Ng S-L; Tan K-C; Kew S-L

Rapid procedure to calibrate EC-10 and EC-20 capacitance sensors in coir

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Van der Westhuizen RJ; Van Rensburg LD

Planktonic algae and cyanoprokaryotes as indicators of ecosystem quality in the Mooi River system in the North-West Province, South Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Venter IS; Barnard S; Dickinson MA; Janse van Vuuren S; Levanets A; Taylor JC

Efficacy of conventional drinking water treatment processes in removing problem-causing phytoplankton and associated organic compounds

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/16

Author: Ewerts H; Swanepoel A; Du Preez HH

TECHNICAL NOTE: Development of a Linear Flow Channel Reactor for sulphur removal in acid mine wastewater treatment operations

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Molwantwa JB; Rose PD

Microbial quality of drinking water from groundtanks and tankers at source and point-of-use in eThekwini Municipality, South Africa, and its relationship to health outcomes

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Singh U; Lutchmanariyan R; Wright J; Knight S; Jackson S; Langmark J; Vosloo D; Rodda N

Long-term nitrate and phosphate loading of river water in the Upper Manyame Catchment, Zimbabwe

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Nyamangara J; Jeke N; Rurinda J

Effect of land area on average annual suburban water demand

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Jacobs HE; Scheepers HM; Sinske SA

Chemical characteristics and limnology of Loskop Dam on the Olifants River (South Africa), in light of recent fish and crocodile mortalities

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Dabrowski J; Oberholster PJ; Dabrowski JM; Le Brasseur J; Gieskes J

Analysis and modelling of flood risk assessment using information diffusion and artificial neural network

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/10/11

Author: Li Q; Jiang X; Liu D

Treatment of dyeing wastewater including reactive dyes (Reactive Red RB, Reactive Black B, Remazol Blue) and Methylene Blue by fungal biomass

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/08/27

Author: Gül ÜD

Preliminary risk assessment of common-use pesticides using PRIMET and PERPEST pesticide risk models in a semi-arid subtropical region

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/08/27

Author: Malherbe W; Van Vuren JHJ; Wepener V

Not so pristine – characterising the physico-chemical conditions of an undescribed temporarily open/closed estuary

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/08/27

Author: Kaselowski T; Adams JB

Detection and confirmation of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 in environmental and clinical samples by a direct cell multiplex PCR

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/08/27

Author: Yadava JP; Jain M; Goel AK

Modelling the filling rate of pit latrines

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/26

Author: Brouckaert CJ; Foxon KM; Wood K

Classification and quality of groundwater supplies in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi – Part 2: Classification of borehole water supplies in Chikhwawa, Malawi

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/26

Author: Grimason AM; Beattie TK; Morse TD; Masangwi SJ; Jabu GC; Taulo SC; Lungu KK

Classification and quality of groundwater supplies in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi – Part 1: Physico-chemical quality of borehole water supplies in Chikhwawa, Malawi

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/26

Author: Grimason AM; Morse TD; Beattie TK; Masangwi SJ; Jabu GC; Taulo SC; Lungu KK

Unit Reference Value: Application in appraising inter-basin water transfer projects

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/24

Author: Van Niekerk PH; Du Plessis JA

Hydrologic-economic appraisal of life-cycle costs of inter-basin water transfer projects

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/24

Author: Van Niekerk PH; Du Plessis JA

Assessing and forecasting groundwater development costs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/24

Author: Xenarios S; Pavelic P

TECHNICAL NOTE: Development of a gradient tube method for examining microbial population structures in floating sulphur biofilms

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/17

Author: Bowker ML; Molwantwa JB; Gilfillan J; Dorrington RA; Kirby R; Rose PD

Removal of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution by high-porosity activated carbon

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/17

Author: Milenkovi? DD; Milosavljevi? MM; Marinkovi? AD; ?oki? VR; Mitrovi? JZ; Boji? AL

Municipal sludge as source of nitrogen and phosphorus in perennial pasture Eragrostis curvula production: Agronomic benefits and environmental impacts

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/17

Author: Tesfamariam EH; Annandale JG; Steytler B; Stirzaker RJ; Mbakwe I

Population dynamics of the invasive fish, Gambusia affinis, in irrigation impoundments in the Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/15

Author: Howell DH; Woodford DJ; Weyl OLF; Froneman W

On the use of electrical resistivity methods in monitoring infiltration of salt fluxes in dry coal ash dumps in Mpumalanga, South Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/15

Author: Muchingami I; Nel J; Xu Y; Steyl G; Reynolds K

Oestrogen, testosterone, cytotoxin and cholinesterase inhibitor removal during reclamation of sewage to drinking water

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/15

Author: Faul AK; Julies E; Pool EJ

REVIEW: Estimating evapotranspiration using remote sensing and the Surface Energy Balance System – A South African perspective

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/11

Author: Gibson LA; Jarmain C; Su Z; Eckardt FE

Fluctuations of indicator and index microbes as indication of pollution over three years in the Plankenburg and Eerste Rivers, Western Cape, South Africa

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/11

Author: Britz TJ; Sigge GO; Huisamen N; Kikine T; Ackermann A; L├Âtter M; Lamprecht C; Kidd M

Development and assessment of a daily time-step continuous simulation modelling approach for design flood estimation at ungauged locations: ACRU model and Thukela Catchment case study

Content Type: Water SA Journal Manuscript

Published Date: 2013/07/11

Author: Smithers JC; Chetty KT; Frezghi MS; Knoesen DM; Tewolde MH

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